A One on One Transformational Experience

that unleashes your raw, wild, and innate TRUTH
and takes you into the depths of your own MEDICINE and mastery.



There is something so f***ing strong inside of you that CAN NOT BE DENIED. But you know that already, which is why you began, the journey of unlearning, re-wilding, unleashing, and becoming the fullest most potent version of YOU.  Now that you are here, on the cusp of even more, you have a choice to make, keep doing what you’ve done, OR step into the bigness that’s so full, it’s scary.


There is something wild inside of you, medicine, truth, . . .

An innate intelligence that longs to lead you with ease, heal your wounds, and lead you into EXPANSION! This initiation is for women on the edge of their next HUGE SHIFT. This is about becoming the fullest expression of your own innate wisdom, power, and healing. To become fully aligned with your purpose, TO MASTER YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS, and to show up in your life in a way that leaves people with their jaw dragging on the floor.


We tap into your innate wisdom, your body, your energy body, and Spirit . . .

to create a quantum, instantaneous, and lasting LEAP through the threshold! Your mind, body, thoughts and emotions are all energy. What happens in one effects all. AND . . your ancestors genetic codes, external belief systems, external energies, traumas, and so much more all play a roll in the expression of self. We tap into all of this and more, to UNLEASH your greatest truths and potentials. You are on the verge of something big, let’s call it forward!


Here’s What We’ll Do . . .

The goal of our 10 weeks together is simple: discover and resolve the deep rooted cause of dis-harmony in your subconscious, your genetic expression, your tissues, and your energy body, and put you in direct connection with your innate wisdom, spirit, power, purpose, and gifts! We do this by using shamanic journeying, past life regression, soul retrieval, body intuitive sessions, channelling, energy clearing, mastermind sessions, breath work, Neuro Energetic & Soma Technique (N.E.S.T), trauma release, workshopping, creating offers, and anything else that comes up as a priority. This is not a one size fits all sort of deal, this is a completely unique experience guided by the INNATE intelligence within, Great Spirit, and Your Higher Self.

The steps in this program are as follows:

  1. Identify your NEXT LEVEL roots of disharmony that you haven’t been able to clear yet

  2. Clear subconscious patterns that block you form your fullest power

  3. Release blockages in the energetic and physical body

  4. Balance the 5 bodies and create resonance with the deepest TRUTH within you.

  5. Connect you DEEPER to your inner INNATE guidance system, Inner Medicine, and Sacred Gifts

  6. Amplify your connection to spirit, and divine purpose

  7. Anchor in the frequency of your most aligned and abundant future and even begin creating it!


How are Soulma Sessions Unique?

Working with the bodies self healing reflexes and the 5 bodies:

Soulma is the connection between soul and soma(body) and everything in between. This therapeutic technique holds space for your own internal wisdom, and your bodies ability to self heal in relationship to soul and source.  Your body is an information highway connected to the divine and holds all of the keys to unlocking greater vitality. We work with all aspects of you, through a lens called the five bodies: soul, consciousness, mind, energy, and physical to show the bodymind it’s own potentials for healing so that the change can anchor real and lasting transformation in your body, mind, and life!  When we say healing we mean any potential for standing in the fullness of your power, ease, freedom, alignment, activation, release etc. 

Anchoring the non-physical into the physical for REAL LIFE change and instant integration: 

Soulma Sessions recognize the bodymind system as a comprehensive recording of all experiences and encounters in one’s existence. Every blockage, stagnation, or root cause of discomfort is meticulously chronicled within your body's Innate Intelligence. We tap into this complex internal wisdom system and reflect its inherent healing potential back onto itself. The bodymind responds by reorganizing and optimizing its function into a space of harmony and alignment. This process recovers lost energy, releases what no longer serves, and identifies the root of the issues at hand, often leading to profound, life-changing results.

Working with the bodies priorities with the use of multiple modalities:

Every Soulma Session is as unique as the individual. Starting with a conversation about your current experiences and areas of focus, the work unfolds in layers, guided by your body's wisdom to unearth the next release point.

During these sessions we speak with your innate intelligence system, and employ a multitude of techniques such as energy work, channeled healing, subconscious reprogramming, shamanic journeying, body talk, body intuitive practices, past life regression, soul retrieval, somatic release, ancestral healing, trauma release, and more. Our ultimate goal is to support your bodymind and soul's process of evolution, with all work conducted through the lens of the Neutral Loving Witness. Unlike some work that pushes an agenda, outcome, or technique, Soulma Sessions honor when tension arises, follows safety, resources, and allows the bodymind space to figure out how to re-organize and optomize itself with ease.

Working with Safety, Resourcing, And the Neutral Loving Witness:  

Many techniques and healers work with a specific intention of outcome and certain tools to reach those outcomes. In a Soulma session we enter the space neutrally, open to all potentials that exist so that we can meet the bodymind exactly where it is at, create safety, and allow it to self correct with ease, peace, and a gentle unwind. Healing doesn’t have to be intense to be profound. We don’t see anything as wrong, or needing fixed, more so that there is potential for healing and coming into deeper balance within you and the world. We honor tension, fear, and density as it arises without trying to fix it, instead we follow safety and resourcing. This creates an effortless and gentle effect rather than an intense experience that is harder to integrate.

We let the HIGHEST priorities guide the process:

Your bodymind knows exactly the path of least resistance to heal and become fully expressed. We follow this pattern to create the desired outcome. This means every session will meet you exactly where you’re at. Some days its a deeply healing experience, some days it integration, and others we are creating. There are no limits to the abudnance and alignement that can serve our highest good.

Access to an expert in soul aligned Business, waking psychic gifts, and mastering the realm of spirit.

Not only is this a deeply healing space, it is also a space where you get to lean and master the skills YOUR bodymind needs to evolve spiritually, mentally, and physically. This can include private lessons on all things spirit, psychic gifts, healing gifts, creating offers, soul aligned business creation, etc.

2 Hour Session | $650
Now Only$450

Transformational Containers are typically 8-10 sessions

Get started with a free 30 min clarity call with Danielle to talk about this 10 week Immersion.


Is This Experience Right For You?


This experience is wildly unique, and divinely inspired just for you.

Here’s how you know if it’s a good fit . . .

  1. You are feeling activated by everything on this page

  2. You are asking the question, what’s next? Who am I now, what am I here to do now, what’s the most EVOLVED version of me?

  3. You feel like there is something more .. more healing, more to your life, more to your purpose, more to your gifts, more freedom.

  4. You are ready to EVOLVE and revolutionize your life, your offers, and the way you show up in the world

  5. You feel a deep call to ACT, to unlock your voice and self love to an even deeper level, to fully embody your emotions and your power, and clear what’s blocking you.

  6. You are ready to unlock your spiritual gifts to the NEXT LEVEL.

  7. You are ready to shed your old wounds, release old traumas that you haven’t yet discovered or healed.

  8. You are ready to ACTIVATE every hidden gift within you, harness your innate wisdom, interact with your energy body, build a direct connection to source, and WIELD your gifts!

  9. You are ready for a cyclone of undeniable change.

  10. You are ready for deep healing and realizations that set you free from your past, and anchor a new future.


Does This Feel Like You. . .

Are you ready?

Sometimes simply leaning into the call of your heart is all it takes to revolutionize your entire existence. Let it be easy ☝🏼❤🌹

Still Have Questions?

Use this button to message me directly.

What Clients are Saying:

I had the honor of having weekly private sessions as well as group work with Danielle. Whether working one on one or in a group Danielle does an amazing job of creating sacred space, within which you feel completely held. Her intuitive connection with Spirit leads you down the exact path your soul needs to deepen your understanding of self and your place in the Universe. Whether she is guiding me toward my own experience of Spirit through a guided meditation, working on my energy field, or communicating messages through sacred ceremony, I have felt held, seen and pushed forward in my spiritual journey. My personal sessions with Danielle ultimately led me to changing my trajectory toward a truer spiritual calling. I was able to heal long held wounds and beliefs freeing me to live a more authentic life. No session is exactly the same as the last, but is what it needs to be at the moment. Danielle helped me to trust myself and the “knowing” that came to me as thought and vision. Danielle has many tools that can be used as needed and she always seems to know exactly what tool to use when, whether it be meditation, drumming, chanting, energy work or yoga. I can’t thank her enough for the journeys she has guided me through!
— Keri
Danielle will forever be remembered as my teacher who helped me delve into my spiritual journey. I worked with her beautiful, calm, playful, and genuine soul for a few months. She met me where I was and we began to understand my gifts. I learned how to do healing on myself that I have relied on others for guidance for. I found empowerment in my ability to be my powerful self without needing others. I could list the exact things we did and we explored many different ways of healing, but it is more than what we did. It is a feeling of being uplifted, held, rising, being on fire and drinking the most nourishing water at the same time, flowing, roots deepening, a release of tears, and a settled smile. Change is most easily seen, for me, at a distance and I can say now ( almost 2 months after our meetings ended) that I am different. I am more me and more confident in following what I need. Danielle is a deep guiding spirit who has so much to offer the world. I feel so grateful to have connected with her. - Taryn “

Thank you Danielle.
— Taryn
Working with Danielle, is truly an experience that is unprecedented for me. With a heavy background in engineering, I often need to find the analytical results and the most logical answer. But with working 1-on-1 with Danielle, I have learned that my subconscious is so much bigger and stronger than my conscious brain and I have learned to lean into the unknown a little bit more. I have been able to heal past traumas, learn more deeply about myself with her loving voice guiding me through meditations and body scans. What is so fantastic about working with Danielle is that each session is truly unique and you are in the driver’s seat for what you want out of the session. She has also helped me with practical knowledge as I start to grow my own yoga business and put my website and plans together. Each week we tackle what I feel is most pressing, except for the weeks I come completely unprepared and she guides us into something beautiful, enriching and often time unexpected. I feel as though I have grown lifetimes since meeting and working with Danielle.
— Sara